Connector Progress

Well looks like a few weeks has turned into Months.  But have no fear progress has been made!   Who knew there was so much to learn about 3d printing.

Here is a pic of the latest prototype.

SAVA 15 prototype

SAVA 15 prototype

I still need to work out the rest of the connector to prevent the ends from shorting at the crimp.  Back to it,  I’ll keep you all posted.

3D Printer

Thanks to all of those who have been patiently waiting.

I got tired of waiting for time on my friends 3d printer so I just bought one.

Give me a few weeks to get this thing set up and some quality prints out of it and we will be in full production for the SAVA 10,15 and 35 cables.

New Connectors

To all SA-VA 15, 35, 100 owners.   In my previous post I was polling about the retrofit connectors and which way I should build the kits.

Well forget all of that.  I decided that it was just too cumbersome and went another route all together.  Check out the pic below.  I decided to ditch the kit idea all together and went back to the drawing board and I am currently working on a connector that will directly fit the systems.

What you are seeing is the first prototypes from the 3d printer.


SA-VA 10 SA-VA 15 SA-VA 35 SA-VA 100 Connector

I know many of you have been waiting for me to find these connectors.

Well, there is good new and bad news.  I have found them, the problem is they have been discontinued (According to the West coast office). If you call the East coast office they tell you the tooling has been destroyed and give you some big run around. I have been dealing with these clowns for over four months trying to get the correct parts quoted.

So here is all the information I have obtained.

FG Connector for SAVA 10, 15, 35, 100

Manafacture: SMK

Part number:  SAVA 10 — >  CFG1313-0101   13 Pin Connector

SAVA 15 –> CFG1313-0101   13 Pin Connector

SAVA 35– > CFG1315-0101 15 Pin Connector ****

SAVA 100  –> CFG1315-0101 15 Pin Connector ****

****Need to verify pin count on connectors.

Contact Information:

Enrique Cervantes
Marketing Assistant / Distributor Account Specialist
SMK Electronics Corp U.S.A.
1055 Tierra Del Rey, Suite – H
Chula Vista CA. 91910
Ph:     (619) 216-6479
Fax:   (619) 216-6499
Here is the link to SMK USA

Let the phone start ringing.  Maybe if enough people call they will be forced to take action.

Thanks for your understanding

SA-VA 10 SA-VA 15 SA-VA 35 SA-VA 100 Cables

I am still working to try and identify a replacement for these connectors. Apparently, the company has discontinued the connector and I cannot get any specification on it to cross reference it.

Don’t worry I have a plan B, it just needs a little refining.

How many people are interested in a cable for one of these units?