TA-AX285 Sony System Control 1 155985121 System Control 2 155985211

Hey All, back with a 2 part this month.   I’m tackling the TA-AX285 System Control cables #1 and #2, Listed under Sony part number 155985121 and 155985211.

These are the 7 to 7 to 5 pin cable and the 11 to 5 to 5 pin cable.

You can purchase these Cables here http://www.tomscables.com/SEN-280_c50.htm


TA-AX285 Stereo Amplifier

ST-JX285 Tuner

TC-W285 Cassette Player

System 1 and System 2 Cables


System Control #1 155985121


System Control Cable #2 PN: 155985211 / 155985221



RCA PA 110-10 CA 110-10 TA 110-10

Hey guys,

Switching up manufacturers this month.  I now have available the 7 to 7 to 5 pin cable that was used on this RCA PA 110-10 Amp to connect it to the Cassette (CA 110-10) and the Tuner (TU 110-10).  I have contacted RCA about the correct part number for this stereo but was told that it was too old and they no longer had that information.   If anyone can provide me with the part number for the connector that would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some photos of the unit and factory cable.

RCA PA110-10 Stereo Front

RCA PA110-10 Stereo Back

RCA PA110-10 Stereo Factory Cable

RCA PA110-10 Stereo Factory Cable

RCA PA110-10 Stereo Factory Cable


Here is my replacement cable for this unit.

RCA PA110-10 Cable


Sorry for the delay on this, I just updated the website and it is now avialable for purchase.   WWW.TOMSCABLES.COM

New Connectors for SAVA 10 15 35

Great News for all of those that have been waiting for on me.  We have connectors!!!

New SAVA 10 15 35 Connectors

New SAVA 10 15 35 Connectors

I am now fully stocked with a direct plug and play connector that will fit the SA-VA 10, 15 and 35 units.

These have been a long time coming.  I have updated the website so that you can place orders.   www.tomscables.com 

Oh, owners of the SAVA 100 systems I haven’t forgotten about you. Stay posted should have some results for those very soon.

New Connectors

To all SA-VA 15, 35, 100 owners.   In my previous post I was polling about the retrofit connectors and which way I should build the kits.

Well forget all of that.  I decided that it was just too cumbersome and went another route all together.  Check out the pic below.  I decided to ditch the kit idea all together and went back to the drawing board and I am currently working on a connector that will directly fit the systems.

What you are seeing is the first prototypes from the 3d printer.
